Spaulding Counseling Services
Danielle Spaulding, LPC, LMHP Teen Whisperer
LGBTQIA+ Ally, Neurodivergent Specialist
New Client Information
Offering Weekend and Evening Appointments via telehealth!
First Call Us
First step is calling/contacting Spaulding Counseling via phone or email inquiry. If calling please leave a voicemail and the therapist will call you back within 48 hours. At this time you may ask questions, counselor will gather payment/insurance and personal information, and then will direct you to the website for further details.
Receive Reminder Email/Complete Paperwork
You will receive an email verifying your initial appointment with a link to the website. You may now Download the forms and then send them back to me to review a day before your session. They will also have instructions for our teletherapy platform!
What May be Needed
A photograph of your ID, insurance card, and a copy of divorce decree or custody papers if we are working with a minor child. Also you will need to place a debit/credit card to place on file in case of missed/late cancellation appointments. Payment is due at the beginning of each session. Preferred payment options are Venmo, Zelle, Paypal or a credit card on file. H.S.A and F.S.A cards are accepted.